Australian BDM Certificates
UPDATED: 18 December 2024- 237 new entries
Total entries: 31475
The purpose of this web site is to share Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates and Transcriptions freely
The data base consist mainly of Australian records, but does include a large number of records from the UK and other countries.
Please feel free to contact me to arrange for your own certificates to be included in this data base.
Should you like a copy of a particular certificate/s, in the first instance please try and contact the original provider of the record- if unsuccessful, then please contact me- I do hold copies of a majority of certificates, but not in all cases
Past contributors- could you please update me with any change of contact details
I normally update the data base around the 1st of every month- depending if any new certificates are received
Simply click on the .PDF icon below to open the data base
I found that my previous website was becoming quite difficult to edit, hence this new location- my original site started in 2008 and had almost 34,000 visits
As always, thank you to those who have contributed their certificates
Any questions please feel free to contact me
Compiled by Gordon Beach